Modern Design
The graphic content of the software corresponds to the modern level of quality in the field of computer graphics and visualization.
Unobtrusive interface of software products and intuitive management of virtual laboratory space.
High Interactivity
A high interactivity combined with visual demonstration of physical experiments significantly increases the effectiveness of the learning process.
Execution of simulation experiments is as close as possible to reality. The software simulates process of working with the real equipment and repeats all sequence of actions of the laboratory assistant.
Practical Efficiency
Virtual laboratories meet modern educational standards and are an effective complement to the real laboratory base of educational institutions.
The software is supplied under the main modern platforms: Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android, iOS, HTML5, which allows for more flexible use of virtual laboratories in the educational process.
- Current laboratory benches and workshops are insufficiently equipped with modern devices, facilities and apparatuses.
- The majority of laboratory benches and educational workshops are brought into action in the wake of retirement; they do not meet modern requirements and became old-fashioned. All that can invalidate the test results and give rise to a potential danger for the trainees.
- Laboratory equipment and benches demand annual updating that leads to additional financial expenses.
- Such areas as construction material engineering or physical chemistry are known to require, besides the equipment, operating supply materials – raw materials, chemical agents, etc. Their costs are rather high; undoubtedly hardware and software costs are also great, but versatility of computer equipment and its widespread distribution may compensate this drawback.
- Modern computer technologies allow observing processes scarcely distinguishable in actual practice without application of additional technics, for example because of the small sizes of observable particles.
- Possibility of modeling processes which are radically impossible in laboratory conditions.
- Possibility of the experimental subtleties comprehension and observation in other time scale that is important for the processes proceeding in a fraction of a second or, on the contrary, lasting several years.
- Safety is an important factor of the virtual laboratory, especially if the work is carried out under high pressure or with chemical substances.
- Sometimes it is difficult to carry out re-analyses or check due to the rate of response of some laboratory installations and the time allowed for the experiment.
- Acquisition of sufficient skills and an operational experience in specific fields demands repetitive study operations that are not always possible due to frequent equipment failure and additional expenses for operating supply.

- Arousing students’ interest to learning and provide the equipment accessibility in order to contribute to students’ learning activity and autonomy.
- Drawing students’ attention by means of multimedia taking into consideration their psychological age peculiarities in order to improve the perception of teaching material.
- Control mastering the target material by every student.
- Facilitating training process for examinations and pass-fail tests.
- Assisting teachers and prevent them from routine work.
- Using out-of-class time for studying homework instructions.
- Introducing remote forms of learning, especially it is useful for educational institutions with poor laboratory facilities.

- Computer modelling of physical processes.
- Demonstration support of text- and workbooks.
- Lab practicum of students in computer classrooms.
- Distance learning.
- Systems of the staff’s professional skills improvement.